About yo

Hola amigos I am el Señor Performo!

I hate to play the IronMan and reveal my secret identity right away. But my name is Leandro Melendez and I am a performance tester born and raised in Mexico City.

I have been working around the testing scene for about 10 years now. All those years constantly crossing the border from Mexico to many cities in the gringo country, the US most of times.

But fortunately I have crossed more than one border. I have been lucky enough to cook my enchilada in other countries as well. Just haven’t visited them as often as I do it with my amigos gringos.

Please, don;t stress out. I cross all those borders legally! And now, virtually!

As a consultant I have had the opportunity to work on performance testing projects on some of the largest companies you can imagine. Also on other not so large companies. But all of them with lots and lots of fun, testing the performance of their IT solutions.

From all of those I got lots and lots of stories and learning experiences!

Here, I am going to try to share all of those stories. I will try to tell you many ‘once upon a time’s so that you can live like I did the experiences. Several of them were painful. But the most importante thing that they left me was the learning.

Most of what I want to do with this blog is to my best to share with you all the learning and stories. So that you can get to be a better tester. Specifically a performance one. Be prepared, as I will jump here and there with lessons all over the place.

At times I will go over topics that relate to other areas. I have been fortunate enough to not only play around performance testing. I will tell you about some of the other crazy testing fields where I have played. Such as: general software testing, project management, development, etc.

And who knows, if there is a chance maybe I will add some posts about finance, fitness and cooking. You will find I have several interests and funny stories to share. Who can say no to some new taco recipes?

On top of that, I am an avid reader. I try to read at least 30 minutes every day. Eventually I will add as well book reviews and many other things. Below you will find as well my good reads feed.

But back to the blog. To share all the knowledge I have, I will use many crazy examples. I am full of funny ideas, pop references, serious examples, my Mexican family and friends, burritos, enchiladas and of course every possible type of taco.

You will notice as well, I love to draw mustaches and glasses everywhere.  Who doesn’t?

I hope as well that you will like my crayon like drawings, mustached pictures and silliness. If you dont, please forgive me, I am just trying to make this a joy ride.

Trust me ese! There are a  lot of experience and stories under my hat. OK, sombrero pues.

Welcome to my blog. Mi blog es su blog!


Besos <3

-Señor Performo